
A New Heart

"When he turned his back to leave Samuel, God gave him another heart. And all these signs came to pass that day." 1 Sam 10:9

So I was reading in 1 Samuel today and I found myself continually going back to this.

My husband and I have been meditating on the grace of God so much lately. As we watch the news and see all the horrific things surrounding us and the moral relativism...or apathy really, we keep praising God for His grace. Why, you might ask? Well dear friend, the ONLY difference between people that do bad things and us is the grace of God! He chose me, I did not choose Him. Remember the sweet words in Jeremiah, "The human heart is deceitful above all else." Jer. 17:9. I call them sweet, no matter how tough to embrace, we must be careful not to think more highly of ourselves than what the scriptures tells us about ourselves. And to accompany that, we must remain in His word, so that our view of God is not skewed, but rather centered around His word and what He shares of Himself!!

Complimenting that thought is the truth in Proverbs 26:12 "Do you see a man who is wise in his own eyes? There is more hope for a fool than for him."

The Lord is so good!! As I was reading and re-reading in Samuel, he graciously drew me to prayer for a new heart. "Create in me a pure heart and renew a steadfast spirit within me." Psalm 51:10 was the verse He continually brought to my mind.

The Hebrew word in 1 Samuel 10:9 for 'another' means "change, transform". How desperately I need my heart changed daily! I need God's grace moment by moment to captivate my heart for His glory that I would keep a godly I've on my life, family and circumstances!

I pray dear friend that you would fall deeply in love with the Author and Perfecter of our faith as you meet with Him in the pages of His Holy word! And that you would join me in fervently asking God for a new heart that is set apart for Him!

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