
Five sinners under one roof!

"But he gives more grace. 
Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.”
  James 4:6

In my NASB version it says "a greater grace."  We've been talking about this so much with our boys lately.  It seems they expect their siblings to treat them perfectly and yet they don't always extend the same courtesy to one another.  Yes...sibling rivalry, just plain old growing up...it's running a muck in the Valentine house.  Because let's be honest....really honest.  How often do we as adults entertain the thought, "I can't believe what she did (or did not do) to..."  you fill in the blank.  Often we expect perfection from others, and yet ourselves are falling fall short of the mark.  Because...scripture tells us, our standard is Christ.  We will never meet that standard.

The Lord continually whispers to my heart..."check your log."   "You hypocrite, first take the log out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to take the speck out of your brother's eye."  Matthew 7:5

I think it's wise to first look at the log in your own.  For myself at least, I've found this very beneficial in my life.  Rather than milling over (in shocked disbelief) others' behavior....I try to take what I see around me and ask the Lord to give me grace to see where I need to change in my heart to be more like Him.  I pray often that I won't be judgmental of others.

I absolutely love this verse because being honest again, we can observe others...their behavior and their decisions and we can make judgements and/or have critical thoughts but Scripture (TRUTH) tells us, only the Lord knows the heart of man.

"But the LORD said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him; for God sees not as man sees, for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart.”  1 Sam 16:7

I adore how the Lord knows how messed up I am, He knows the depths of my sinfulness, and yet...while I was still His enemy...Christ died for me.  To redeem me to Himself.  Not because of anything I've ever done, ever will do...or ever could do...but just because of Who He IS!!  Not only did He redeem me, but He presently is sanctifying me.   He didn't save me and make me perfect.  Nope....He saved me, and daily leads me to Himself in His word and prayer...and refines me.  Using His perfect Word, His loving Son....His grace...whatever it takes to make my heart more like his.

Great news for a sinner like myself.  Even more refreshing, it's good news for all of us who have accepted Jesus as Savior.  We aren't "done."  Not one of us have arrived.  We all have pride, selfishness, critical spirits and on and on.  We are sinners.

Does the FACT that we are sinners justify continuing in sin...oh how I love the writing of the Apostle Paul:

'What shall we say then? Are we to continue in sin so that grace may increase? May it never be! How shall we who died to sin still live in it?"  Romans 6:1-2

 We've been teaching and teaching and teaching some more, God's word to our kids.  It seems sometimes til we're blue in the face.  Sometimes we make mistakes, sometimes we don't handle each and every situation perfectly.  You know what?  That's okay.  Why?  Because God gives a greater grace!  We can make mistakes, because it's those mistakes that God, who also has graciously given us a spirit of humility, uses in our lives and the lives of our boys.  We can go before our boys and admit our wrongs.  We are not afraid of doing so.  We wouldn't want our kids to grow up with some false perception that we are the perfect all knowing parents.  There is only One Perfect Father, and that is the Lord, Creator of heaven and earth.

I honestly believe that admitting wrongs and faults before your kids speaks volumes to them of the forgiveness of Christ.  Using discretion and discernment, when we show them our humanness it can give them hope.  It shows them that we truly rely on Christ for our strength to do the right thing.  Even though we're older than they are, we still DESPERATELY need Jesus, daily!

Honestly, as parents, my husband and I are banking everything on Christ's word.  We are teaching them as best we can, pointing them to grace, forgiveness and love at every opportunity...and trusting in Jesus, because He says...

"So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it."  Is.55:11

With five sinners under one roof, we desperately need an overwhelming portion of God's grace, moment by moment.

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