
it's a little different around here, and it's not just the boxes

4.8.12  What a day!!  Easter Sunday!  LOVE Easter Sunday.  The tomb was empty!

Yesterday at church a sweet lady shared about how she came to know the Lord on Easter Sunday, over twenty years ago.  It was a very moving testimony.  I was in tears!!  I LOVE to hear how the Lord saves people...it never gets old, it's always so fresh and it's always a tear jerker for me!

So, our two oldest boys heard her testimony as well, our church offered a family style worship service for Easter, and even though I was nervous at first  (two young boys sitting still AND quiet for over an hour), I am so thankful that our Pastor is passionate about the young children hearing God's word!!  I kept praying that the Lord would move in our oldests' heart.  He needs Jesus, and he has been thinking it over for some time now.  We don't push, we can't save Joseph.  Only Jesus can!

So after an afternoon with family, we came home and got the kids in bed....only a little while later to hear our eight year old coming down the stairs.  First he approached my husband, in tears, explaining that he had asked Jesus into his heart.  So Micah went through the scriptures with him to make sure he understood everything, and he did.

He immediately asked if he could tell his grandparents and a few other family members, so we called and he told them.

So, throughout the day today we've been talking, and he said, "Mommy...last night when I asked Jesus into my heart, it was like I could feel God right there, I felt so close to Him."  And I said, "well buddy that's because He is now, now that you've asked Jesus into your heart, you are sealed with the Holy Spirit and you are HIS!  No one can ever change that.  It's done!  You belong to God!"

I asked Joseph, what happened last night when he asked the Lord to save him, and he said..."Mommy it was like I was sitting there thinking about Him, what He has done for me, and I could ....well...I felt like I could hear God just say...Joseph, Joseph...come with Me!! So I did!"

Dear friend, that's our God, He is calling you, me...the world!!!  He is calling our name, and those around us...catch that fire....the passion...the calling of God to share the LOVE of Christ with the lost.  Remember the Son of man came to seek and save the lost!!

Two days ago, I was literally writing that verse on the walls of our soon to be new home...in the room we've planned for Joseph....yesterday..the Lord was calling my sweet Joseph to Himself!

It's a lot different around our house, it's not the boxes we've got packed....or those left to pack.  It's the salvation of our Lord manifested in the life of our son!

It's the Spirit of God leading an eight year old in a spirit of humility, compassion, love, gentleness, peace, joy and thankfulness as I have never seen.

It's two sinful parents...desperate for Jesus, and trusting Him with every ounce of our being that, in spite of our mistakes, our sins, our finite attempts to explain an infinite God to our children,....He can reach our children for His glory!

1 comment:

Allie Pust said...

Woo hoo!!! Praising Jesus with you. What a blessing.