
Sold....not so fast...

So, the Lord sold our house!!   We have been asking God to sell our house for well over a year now and it's been a lot of ups and downs.  We've seen houses sell in our neighborhood in less than two weeks and at a higher price per square foot than what we have been asking for ours.  It's been tough, but at the 'end of the day' it's always been just a house and just a commute, and we've tried to keep upbeat about things.  Because God is good!

Well, we were very excited when the house sold, we had begun praying specifically for the buyers, that they would be a family that would be truly blessed by this house and the work we've put into it.  We began praying that God would allow them to feel His presence here, and be blessed by it.  I'm honestly excited for our buyers.  This is a great neighborhood and a great house.  It's just the location.  How many times do I hear on HGTV "location location location"  ha! I've had to laugh all the way through countless shows.

We honestly thought that the inspection may turn up some things that would cause problems.  Well, we were wrong.  The inspection was smooth sailing.  Now, waiting on the appraisal.  Well, after two weeks, we heard last night, it came in significantly under that sales price.  So much so, that we need a huge miracle to make this deal work.  The hardest part about it is that according to the facts, the black and white of previous sales, our square footage...our sales price is still under value for our neighborhood.

It's a tough pill to swallow, we stand to loose a lot of money on this.

Boy, there have been a LOT of thoughts going through my head.  A LOT.

It's tough to understand how when you think the Lord has led you one way and you get almost to the 'finish line' and then you see another curve....a sharp one at that.

I've been praying and reading God's word and really trying to make sense of things.  But honestly it doesn't make sense, right now anyway.  But I know it will...one day.

You know what?  It's okay.  God is still God.  I am not.  His ways are not my ways....they are BETTER!!!  I have to believe and trust that...so I will.

As thoughts rolled around in my head all night and this morning, the Lord graciously kept bringing me back to these two things, and it's been a huge blessing because it's His word, and it is  truth, and that's what I trust in..not circumstances or "schemes of men."

"The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?"  Jeremiah 17:9


"Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth."  John 17:17 

His word is the only truth I have, so I have to trust that.  This morning, it was absolutely fitting and beautiful as I read through the Psalms...

"When I am afraid,  I put my trust in you.  In God, whose word I praise, in God I trust; I shall not be afraid.  What can flesh do to me?"   Psalm 56:3-4


"Be merciful to me, O God, be merciful to me, for in you my soul takes refuge;  in the shadow of your wings I will take refuge,  till the storms of destruction pass by.  I cry out to God Most High,  to God who fulfills his purpose for me."  Psalm 57:1-2

I am letting my husband work through all the details, he is so loving and protective of me.  He is working with our realtor to see how this can work.  So, we need a miracle....we need the Lord to show us what to do and how to proceed, if this is His will, we know without a doubt He will work it out....it's just sometimes when you come to the sharp curve and you can't see for certain where it goes...it's tough to run full force.

It's the unknown that often causes our hearts to go astray and our minds not to focus on truth.  But, I am refusing to let the unknown steal my joy, or my thoughts....I'm just trusting my Savior.  After all in the scheme of life, it's just a house and it's just money....neither of which are ours anyway, it's all His.  

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