
But God

I am so excited. The sweet ladies at my church and I are starting a Bible study about love. I have been waiting to start this for some time now. I've been praying for each lady fervently that the Lord would prepare their hearts and overwhelm them with His love and just bless them abundantly.

I honestly didn't include myself in these prayers. Instead rather I've been praying that I would honor the Lord and point these sweet ladies to Jesus and His word.

And as one of my favorite sayings in scripture...

But God!

So I'm in the midst of a crazy transition with our move, closing and all the details. God knew that all this would be happening while I am in the midst of this study. He knew all the details of it all. He knew he frustrations I've had and am having before they even started.

He knew that I would need to immerse myself in His word so intensely and consistently....and yet I was so busy praying for others...I think a little bit of my heart thought since I had done the study before I was good. Ha!

Last night was our first night, we are going through "Loving Well" by Beth Moore. It was great, I've done the devotional before...but there is so much blessing in community. It was so sweet to sit with sisters in Christ, listen, read, pray and grow together!

So on my drive home...the Lord kept speaking to my heart about how I was so busy praying for others...I was being too prideful to stop and pray for myself.

I think sometimes it's easy to go through an intense time of learning and growing with the Lord and think you've got that specific 'thing' be it worry, anxiety, gossip, stress...whatever it is....under control.

But the Lord graciously reminds us in 1 Cor 10:12, "Therefore let anyone who thinks that he stands take heed lest he fall."

I do believe that in somethings God gives continuous victory, but I've also seen how sometimes sin that I've thought was completely beaten in my life has crept back in.

God is good and faithful and gives us situations to grow in! Thank God for it!!

Sometimes I have to learn the same lesson a few times...or more.

But our God.....He gives a greater grace! He consistently pursues our hearts and overflows His perfect love towards us.

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. For those whom he foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, in order that he might be the firstborn among many brothers." Ro 8:28-29

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