

I think I've been straightening my hair for about six years.  It takes time about 10-15 minutes each day.  Every once in awhile I see others with stick straight hair, I have to check my heart.  It's easy to be a little envious.  It's dumb I know, I mean honestly...I have the physical ability to straighten my hair each day, by myself.  I have nice comfortable home to do it in, and I have a sweet spouse who loves me whether my hair is wildly curly or perfectly straight.  So I have every reason to be thankful....and no reason to be envious or to get caught up in the comparison game.  But why do I straighten my hair? Well you may think I'm crazy, but  I honestly prayed about it before I did it, because I didn't want to do it for the wrong reasons...like vanity or seeking the approval of others...I wanted to make sure that my heart was right about this before I did it.  When I got to the end of my self, I realized....it's a little thing that makes me happy and  I enjoy the straight hair a little more than the curly hair....so why not.

Straight hair or curly hair really isn't the question though.  Rather, it's the constant struggle of getting caught up in the comparison game.  It's way too easy.  Wow, nice house (it sure is bigger than mine) or nice car (boy my car is old) and on and on.  Or how about this, "look at those well behaved children"  (sure wish mine would act like that).  Or, after you've just had a disagreement with your spouse and you see a couple being sweet and compassionate towards one another...it's easy to think your marriage is the worst on earth.

But, if we're honest...and biblical...EVERY single one of us are sinners.  Which means we all have issues.  Which also means we all struggle in certain areas.

In my bible reading I am in 2 Corinthians and I  absolutely adored this verse this morning:

"Not that we dare to classify or compare ourselves with some of those who are commending themselves. But when they measure themselves by one another and compare themselves with one another, they are without understanding."  2 Corinthians 10:12

To God be the glory, because honestly the Lord did a miraculous work in my heart years ago, and I don't struggle with comparison of "things" with others, but I do struggle with other forms of comparison.  It's not right.  The fight to not compare ourselves is tough.  But worth the fight.  Because I do believe living in freedom from comparison honors the Lord.  I believe it requires living out a sweet verse that comes just before verse twelve.  2 Corinthians 10:5 says, "We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ"   Refusing to fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to one another and instead choosing to focus on the One who alone is worthy.  The One who restores, refines, and redeems.

God's word says, we are without understanding if we are comparing ourselves to one another and that sounds kind of harsh.  But if you dig into His word, you realize....it's not really.  God calls us to a standard.  It's His standard.  The standard of Christ.  Following Him, trusting Him, living in the power of His Spirit.

In Proverbs 16:16, "How much better to get wisdom than gold! To get understanding is to be chosen rather than silver."

It means understanding that as you see others that have things you don't or can do things you can't that God is the giver of all things, and His name is to be praised!  Often, we are blessed by those who can sing well.  God grants gifts and talents differently to each of us, and it's beautiful!!! But focusing on what others have and we don't takes our hearts places they don't need to go.  It robs us of a joy, and captivates our minds.  We have to chose to believe that our God is all we need and has given us exactly what we need to bring Him the most glory.

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