
Going Old School

I played basketball all through High School.  My coach was crazy.  Or so I thought back then.  We ran at a minimum 21 miles a week, and had 6 days of 3 hour practices.  We were not the best in our division.  You would've thought with all that conditioning that we should have been.  Some years were better than others, we usually came in second, third or even fourth in our league (yes there were more than four teams).
 (This is my senior year, and this picture is completely for entertainment purposes!  At least the 90's hair wasn't as crazy as the 80's hair!!)

We may not have been the best, but we were a team.   I remember on team runs as we would pass one another we would give each other five, and say good job.  Encouragement.  We knew that encouraging one another, made each person feel valued, and that generally resulted in working harder.  Harder working individuals resulted in a stronger team.

 On my run this Saturday, I ran into three other runners getting their morning run in as well.   Sometimes the actual work out isn't as hard as the persistent discipline to just go and do the workout.  So without a thought, the first lady that passed me, I smiled at and said, "good job!"  I honestly don't know if she heard me, I would guess she did, because we passed one another on a tight sidewalk.  I kept on going, and kind of chuckled to myself.  I'm so old...do people even say "good job" anymore?  Ha!!  I don't know.

As I continued my run, I began to ponder, am I quick to compliment others around me?  Not unnecessary flattering, but pure honest compliments.  Things I notice about others that are clearly gifts of God's grace in their lives....because life isn't a competition.  We've all got the same standard.  That's Christ. Thankfully, it's not one another.

Being a mom can be isolating.  I remember the toddler years of having all three boys 4 and under.  I mean....wow.  There were days I would not dare leave the house.  To corral all three boys was (and still can be) a daunting task.  Being a Christian can be isolating as well.  Our culture is rampant with judgment and plagued by sin.

As mothers it is all to easy to look around at other women and when we see their kids act a fool, we quickly take comfort in it not being our kid.  Or another easy out is self isolation.  We can isolate ourselves so that no one ever sees how our children act...or how we react.  Thus, never being under the scrutiny of others.

Maybe we could choose to go against the grain and follow what the Lord tells us to do. Instead of looking at every one as competition, we could choose to look at others as those created by God as well.   We could ask God to show us opportunities to help and encourage rather than divide and judge.

"Therefore, encourage one another and build up one another, just as you also are doing"  1 Thessalonians 5:11

It's quite possible that individuals in the Church need encouragement.  Pure biblical encouragement that celebrates Christ in us.    By the church I mean every single believer in Christ.   Not a specific church or denomination. 

When you offer a compliment to someone it is does not mean the opposite is true of yourself.  Complimenting a lady for her well written blog doesn't mean yours isn't any good.  Complimenting a mother on how well her children behaved, or a thoughtful deed they did does not mean your children are no good, wild and out of control.   It simply means the good you see you acknowledge as a gift of God's grace in their life.

So why not encourage one another and build one another up.  Celebrating the glimpses of God's grace in one another lives.

Here are two truths I try to keep at the forefront of my mind as I journey through this life and relate to others:

One is all people are created in the image of God.  "Then God said, “Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness;"  Genesis 1:26

Every. Single. One.   He did not say "let us make some men in our image"  "let us make the good mothers in our image" "let us make popular people in our image"  No, He said let us make them in our image.

Two is, any good you see in anyone is only Christ.  Christ alone is good.  Remember Romans?  All have sinned.  All.  Each one of us.  We all need a Savior.  I know myself well.   Trust me...all the 'good' I've got...it's only God.  That's it.  Nothing more...nothing less.  It is ALL Him!!

So, whether it's in style or old school, why not ask God to show you who you can encourage and how you can encourage them.  Remember, "do not grow weary in doing good..."  Let's encourage individuals and pray that our team of believers is strengthened for God's glory!!

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